[July 15] Huawei from "no 5G" to the world's first: Yu Chengdong, Dong Yuhui live dialogue review

2024-07-18 09:57:29 1127

On the evening of July 15, "Walk with Hui"; walked into Huawei Songshan Lake Park in Dongguan, and had a live conversation with Dong Yuhui, the host of Hui Peer, and Yu Chengdong, Huawei's managing director, chairman of terminal business, and chairman of intelligent vehicle Solution BU.


For east Dongguan Songshan Lake. "This is an important research and development center for Huawei," Mr. Yu said. "You can understand it as an important brain for Huawei." Two traffic brains open a wonderful conversation!

The interview, followed by a delivery session, lasted nearly four hours. Gray dolphin data show that on July 15, the number of fans of the Hui peer account was 20.982,000, the number of new fans was 148,000, and the live sales exceeded 100 million yuan.

In the live broadcast, Yu Chengdong mainly talked about Huawei's struggle culture, how young people can improve and other topics, at the same time, he also revealed the recent questions about the brand, the wisdom community and some previous controversial remarks. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍

1, through the darkest moments, back to the peak

Yu recalled that Huawei's mobile phone business experienced a five-year darkest moment for well-known reasons. Yu Chengdong said, "My team business can not open, we once made the mobile phone market share to the world's first (2019), but two quarters were dried down, dry down after a year's shipments less than the past month, only more than 20 million units, the worst month in the past more than 20 million units."

"The global leader in 5G does not even have 5G, and we are having a very difficult time." "I've always encouraged the team not to get discouraged, and we will return to the market one day, and we did so last fall with the Pioneer program."

In December last year, Huawei announced that the nova 12 series joined the "Pioneer Plan", which means that the "5G nova" officially returned, and Huawei mobile phones took another important step in "returning to the normal product rhythm".

"Difficulties are the whetstone for a strong will," Yu said. "All setbacks and difficulties only make people stronger."

According to Canalys data released in April this year, in the first quarter of 2024, Huawei regained the first place in the Chinese mainland market, with the warm market response of Mate and nova series, shipments reached 11.7 million units, and the market share reached 17%.

According to Counterpoint's mobile phone sales weekly report data, Huawei stood out among all mobile phone brand manufacturers in the first quarter, with a year-on-year growth of 69.7%. Huawei's growth is largely attributed to the brisk sales of its 5G-enabled Mate 60 series, coupled with its own brand awareness, which has significantly increased its share in the high-end market above $600.

Yu also talked about Huawei's upgrade from the P series to the Pura series. Yu Chengdong said, "Pura in Spanish means pure, I have always asked us to adhere to the ultimate simple and pure design language, Pura brand slogan is to pursue the heart, forge ahead, is to be able to continue to forge ahead, continue to overcome difficulties."

2, through the mattress culture, achievement of the spirit of struggle

Yu Chengdong said that when he joined Huawei, Huawei was only a small company of more than 200 people, and today, Huawei has 210,000 people, almost half of whom are R&D personnel, and R&D costs are hundreds of billions of yuan a year, ranking among the top several in the world.

"Huawei is where it is today because of this basic spirit of our company: customer-centric, striver oriented, long-term hard work," Yu said.

Ren always give us education is to struggle, in the past Huawei has a "mattress culture", at night in the office overtime, sometimes do not go back. When I made the first generation of program-controlled switches more than 30 years ago, my bed was behind our office, I have worked in Huawei for 31 years, in fact, now in addition to weekends, three meals a day in the company to eat, this is the spirit of struggler.

You are a little slow will be eliminated by others, before that era is the era of big fish eat small fish, today's era is the era of fast fish eat slow fish, we must run faster than the opponent. There are a lot of big companies in the technology industry that have been eliminated, and the inventors of mobile phones have disappeared from the industry.

It can be a long way before a technology can be commercialized on a large scale. For example, in the past, Huawei designed the NPU in the mobile phone chip, and we felt that it was still in the introduction period at this time, and after the appearance of ChatGPT, we found that such a way can bring big breakthroughs.

In the field of folding screens, before China even OLED screen did not get done, can only make samples, only South Korea's Samsung and LG two suppliers, a few years ago we and Chinese manufacturers together to solve this mass production, reliability problems, can make it widely used on today's mobile phones.

It is very important to do a good job of product quality. When I first took over the mobile phone business in the past, our failure rate was probably an order of magnitude higher than that of the American company, and now our failure rate is an order of magnitude lower than theirs. We have done a lot of work in reducing the failure rate over the years.

Why do we emphasize the construction of expert teams? Our Huawei mobile phone is the first in the industry to support Beidou satellite news, Tiantong satellite phone, but satellite phones in the past are very large antennas, our mobile phones can not see the antenna, Huawei is the first in the world to achieve a breakthrough, that is, we in the United Kingdom, a super expert in the field of antennas led the team to do, when the release of many people also said that liar, impossible to achieve.

Today, some other domestic manufacturers have also begun to support satellite phones, and they are using Huawei's program to break through, and pioneers like us are breaking through the problem from 0 to 1, and other manufacturers are copying our technology.

There is no gap in the folding machine, such a simple thing is actually very high requirements, Samsung mobile phones have a gap in the past, and Huawei has taken the lead in breaking through, we can use it after breaking through, because we just need to use our program for reference.

3, often criticized by Ren Zhengfei

Yu Chengdong said that Huawei can come to today is also because Ren Zhengfei insisted on the most basic spirit, such as the manager has been required to self-criticism, "not only self-criticism but also criticism, I am often criticized by Ren."

Yu said that after he joined Huawei, Ren Zhengfei was his mentor. Ren general guidance said, must not be a black widow, must help him altruistic, to be able to win-win.

According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, the criticism of Yu Chengdong may stem from a dispute within Huawei over whether to build cars or not. Before Huawei made clear its "no cars" strategy, Yu Chengdong urged Huawei to build cars next, and was criticized within Huawei for it.

Xu Zhijun, Huawei's rotating chairman, had previously revealed: "Yu Chengdong has refused to accept Huawei's decision not to build cars. He may want to build cars, but he only has one vote."

Under the "Huawei does not build cars" resolution, Xu Zhijun has been quite severe "spearhead" pointed at some departments and individuals within Huawei, as well as partners, saying that Huawei brand will not be abused by anyone, and it is strictly prohibited to appear "Huawei brand" cars.

In addition, in external publicity, in April this year, Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei gave Yu Chengdong a ban, strictly prohibited the use of "far ahead", every time a "far ahead", a fine of 10,000.

Since then, in a number of Huawei's press conferences, Yu Chengdong has almost never used this hot word that was brought into fire by him.

Yu Chengdong said that there are misunderstandings in the criticism, and there are also places where they really did not do enough. We must have a happy attitude, be able to see their shortcomings, and be able to quickly improve themselves in order to get to today.

Yu Chengdong believes that criticism shows that you have requirements for you and want to do better, and in many places, you and your team have not done enough; To have this constant spirit of self-criticism, I always ask our team, we always have to see our shortcomings.

Self-criticism keeps one humble, Yu says: "It is dangerous for a person to think that he or she is great, to always see himself or herself as an ordinary person, an ordinary person."

"You see my Yu Chengdong style, as if I feel like a cow, but the style of my work, I ask the team must do the best." I want the team to be king." But Yu Chengdong said specific to life to see themselves as ordinary people, ordinary people.

Recently, the CEO of Sinosoft came to Songshan Lake to open a Huawei developer conference, and the chairman of Sinosoft told me that he usually did not reply to any information, but he immediately returned when there was any problem with the product.

If anyone gives me feedback that there is a problem with the product, I will deal with it as soon as possible. Even if it is 1 am, I will send it to the appropriate person without delay to solve the problem.

4. Revealed the reason for Huawei's "2.5 billion yuan transfer to the world" ‍‍‍‍‍‍

On the evening of July 3, Celis issued a supplementary announcement on the purchase of assets, saying that the holding subsidiary Celis Automobile intends to acquire the underlying assets such as the Q World trademark from Huawei for 2.5 billion yuan. After evaluation, the market value of the underlying assets is 10.233 billion yuan.

Yu Chengdong responded to the reasons for the transfer of assets such as the "Ask Jie" trademark in the live broadcast. Yu said: "The brand of Ask Jie is now given to Celis at a very low price, [this is] because the national regulations require that the brand and the manufacturer must be integrated, the brand must be owned by the manufacturer, so we have transferred the four 'realms' of Ask Jie, wisdom Jie, enjoy Jie and Zun Jie to the car manufacturer."

He said, "In fact, there is no requirement abroad, there may be real estate companies and others in the country to engage in cars, and then it is strictly restricted, and we are not messing around."

Yu Chengdong also said that because Huawei has invested a lot in the industry, the brand value of more than 10 billion yuan. And even the brand AITO has turned over, and it is difficult to register a four-letter brand starting with AI globally, which is a very good name.

Yu Chengdong said that Huawei is an enabler to help partners succeed. With the strong brand equity of AITO, Celis can expand into the global market in the future.

It is worth noting that the first three "sector" partners of Hongmeng Zhixing are Celis, Chery and BAIC. This means that Yu Chengdong exposed the fourth circle of Hongmeng Zhixing as "respect", that is, the brand of Huawei and Jianghuai cooperation.

According to public information, Huawei applied for the trademark "Zunjie" on November 23, 2023, and the international classification is the 12th type of transport, and the trademark has completed the preliminary examination and approval on May 13 this year.

Yu Chengdong has previously said that the "Zun" cooperation with JAC will mark ultra-luxury brand models such as Maybach and Rolls Royce, positioning is ultra-high-end, and pricing will be million yuan level.

Yu Chengdong also introduced the M9,M9 mechanical quality is more than Cullinan, wisdom products are good but not selling well ‍ Yu Chengdong revealed that the M7 to achieve more than 300,000 car sales first; M9 achieved the first sales in the high-end car market of more than 500,000, surpassing the traditional BBA.

Why is the M9 selling so well? Yu Chengdong said that Huawei's intelligence is leading, and the mechanical quality is also better than others. "We have a new technology to achieve it (mechanical quality), whether it is Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi, Range Rover, Porsche, Cullinan and so on, I find that we are better than others in these mechanical quality."

For Huawei intelligent driving, Yu Chengdong said that many people in Huawei's intelligent driving follow the black trend and use various means to "engage us", but in fact, Huawei's comprehensive ability is still worthy of the four words.

Yu Chengdong also admitted in the live broadcast that the wisdom world was not selling well. He said the S7 is the best car for young people, but there is still a big gap in our marketing level. The smart drive, smart cabin, large space and long range of the Smart S7 are all very good, but they are not selling well enough. Now the product is a very good product, that is, the marketing ability is still very different.

In addition, Yu Chengdong also "corrected" in the live broadcast that "Huawei is the first company to propose the active safety of cars." He said that at that time he missed the word "omnidirectional", it should be omnidirectional active safety is the first proposed by Huawei in the industry, and it is the first proposed by Huawei in the automotive field on forward, lateral and backward collision avoidance.

5. No one is born to manage

Now young people are actually very creative and dare to do, as long as they do it seriously in an area and maintain an optimistic attitude, it will always be better and better. If you can combine your personal interests with your work, so much the better.

Do we call it work, love work or love work, do work? Sometimes there is no choice, I joined Huawei is also a chance, if I am a relatively good family, may become an expert in China's aerospace field.

At that time, my dream was to become a chief engineer. The development of Huawei means that you can't be a technical expert for a long time, and the team is getting bigger and bigger, so you need people to be managers. The skills of management team can be cultivated and learned, not that anyone can be born to manage.

I'm a very quiet person, can you imagine? At our class reunion, I was the most silent person at the table, and I fell back into my old comfortable state.

But I did this job, there is no way to have to speak, every day to engage in a press conference, which is not my favorite, and English is the most difficult for me to learn, I am a typical science and technology man, liberal arts worst.

However, in the live broadcast, Dong Yuhui had another assessment of Yu Chengdong: "When it comes to technology, you are eloquent and your thinking is extremely active."

6. My IQ is mediocre

Everyone has their own characteristics, and the ability to accumulate in a field will become more and more your longboard. The industry can be appropriately changed, but too much change also has problems, because it is difficult to do not do the top, people's time and energy are limited, need to accumulate.

And people will always encounter difficulties, don't be discouraged, when depressed, have a good sleep or go out for a run, in fact, after experiencing some shocks will make people more resilient.

We say that Tsinghua students are excellent, but in the eyes of Tsinghua students, not to say how high IQ, the biggest difference is toughness, self-control, and people's IQ is not so different.

I think my own intelligence may be mediocre, the only difference may be that I often have breakthrough thinking.

And everyone has something they are not good at. Language is what I am very bad at. My legs were shaking when I was in charge and spoke to the team. And my English is so poor, but also with Anhui accent, can also go to the speech.

Moreover, I give speeches and hold conferences without reading the script, so that I can express my true thinking, so I will stutter. Now the conference I found that everyone is reading the script, reading the teleprompter, this is too boring, easy to write some false words, you prepared in advance, want to say perfect, and then there is no true feelings.

I think young people should not be afraid, keep optimistic, don't be discouraged and don't give up when they meet the biggest difficulties. Hardships did not bring us down, they kept us alive, and they only made us stronger.

We have a focus on promoting excellent young people, the old group of people sometimes let the position, in any position in Huawei, I want to train their own deputies, so that deputies can replace themselves, if I become the bottleneck of the entire business development, it is a disaster.

Yu also talked about young people's attitude towards learning. He said that there are now more than 10 million college graduates, and these talents may enter various fields when they enter the society. These different fields may not be familiar to everyone, so the learning ability developed in school is very important, and after entering the society, you must have the ability to study on your own.

After going to work, we should quickly learn from predecessors in the field of work and the knowledge accumulated by human beings in this field, so that we can make better contributions by standing on the shoulders of predecessors and giants.

Many students are lost when they graduate from school. Yu said he wanted to be an expert when he graduated, but didn't know what field. Well, work hard in your field, learn, and do it well. Nowadays, young people are very creative and dare to do, so we should maintain such an optimistic spirit and continue to invest. If you can combine your personal interests, it will be better.

7. Basic research

Yu believes that the company needs basic research capabilities when it reaches a certain stage of development. Huawei has also advocated strengthening the accumulation of basic capabilities in recent years. "Because the basic capabilities will allow us to rise to a higher level, build on the competition, and solve some breakthrough problems."

"Huawei is a commercial product, not to solve the problem of a sample, so to solve the massive cost, reliability and durability problems, a large number of technical problems and engineering problems need to be solved, so the need for continuous investment." "Huawei now has a lot of investment in basic research." "Mr. Yu said.

As early as 2023, Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei said that in today's era, the boundaries of science and technology are getting closer and closer, and the time for science to be transformed into technology is getting shorter and shorter. If universities wait until they fully understand the theory and then carry out technology development, they will have no first-mover advantage and no competitiveness. Huawei has always attached importance to basic theoretical research, and invests about $3 billion to $5 billion in basic theoretical research every year.

‍‍‍‍‍‍ Honesty is the essence of heroism! Yu Dazui's nickname, due to Yu Chengdong said that the dream is too wild, the goal is too big, sounds like bragging. However, the cow that was blown in the year, Huawei has achieved it step by step under the guidance of Yu Chengdong.

Yu Dazui became Yu Chengdong's heroic nature, dare to think, dare to say, dare to do!



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